Prepare for the Jira Administration for Cloud certification
Learn the concepts and skills covered in the exam with on-demand courses and study with detailed prep resources. You can also lean on your peers for support by joining a community group.Build a foundation of knowledge with on-demand courses
Improve user experience across Jira with global settings
Learn how to set up and configure a Jira site, manage Jira permissions, and configure Jira apps and integrations.
learn moreStreamline projects across Jira with shared configurations
Build and configure Jira issues and make it easy to create future issues with reusable configurations called schemes.
learn morePractice and prepare with study resources
Jira Administration for Cloud certification prep resources
Review exam details, try sample questions, and take on sandbox challenges to get ready for the certification.
Learn moreJoin an Atlassian Community group for peer support
Training & CertificationConnect with others, learn tips for preparing for a certification, share stories, and get the latest news on courses and certs!Learn more
Jira Cloud AdminsA group where you can ask questions, access resources, and rub elbows with fellow admins and Atlassians.Visit group
Continue learning after you pass your exam
Jira administration part 1 Cloud
In this live training course, learn tips and best practices to ensure your team's success as Jira administrators.
Learn moreJira administration part 2
In this live training course, advance your team’s Jira admin knowledge to meet the business needs of your organization.
Learn moreCommunity-led classes
Sign up for free instructor-led training, powered by the knowledge of the Atlassian Community.
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Browse the list and register for an Atlassian community event!
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