Training credits: Account owner administration
Find training credit account owner set up, administration, and management guidance.

Before we begin
Looking to redeem your training credits for team training or certification exams?
See how to redeem training credits for team training or certification exams >
Not sure what training credits are or how to purchase them?
Learn about training credits here >

Create a training credit account
- Select training credits in the user profile drop-down menu to create a training credit account

2. Select create account

3. Enter a training credits account name if desired (or it will default to your name). Select whether training credit redemptions should be approved by the system automatically or if a designated account owner should manually review redemptions. Select create to create the account

Note: The option to change training credit approval (manual vs. automatic) after creating an account is under edit on the next screenshot.
4. All set! Here’s what your training credit account will look like:

Two ways to purchase training credits
You can purchase more training credits from your profile or by invoice (through a quote request). Remember, your training credits expire one year from the purchase date. For training credit purchases of $20,000 and over, use code twentyoffTC for 20% off your purchase.
How to purchase training credits directly from your profile
Once you have a training credit account, you can purchase more training credits directly from your profile using a credit card:
- In your training credits account, select purchase training credits

2. Enter payment + customer information to purchase the training credits
Note: 1 training credit = 1 USD
3. Training credits just purchased will appear in the training credit account with a one-year expiration
To purchase additional training credits, select purchase refill and confirm your payment information

4. Expiration dates of multiple training credit purchases can be viewed by clicking on the expiration date.

How to purchase training credits by invoice
You can also purchase more training credits by invoice through a quote request.
To get your quote, use this pre-filled link to contact us via Atlassian support ticket.
Once you’re at Atlassian Support, choose training credits under the dropdown for select your reason for contacting us:

3. In the message, include the amount of training credits you’d like to purchase. Remember that USD 1 = 1 credit. When you purchase 20,000 training credits or more, you’ll get a 20% discount (ex: 20,000 credits cost USD 16,000).
4. Submit your request! Our support team will be in touch shortly.
Once the purchase process is complete, the training credits will be applied to your account. Training credit administration can be accessed via the training credits tab in your profile.

Distribute credits to your team with the redemption code
Once training credits are purchased, the redemption code can be distributed to designated learners to redeem for training content.
Redemption codes are created from training credit accounts. Only one code per training credit account can be created and shared with end users.

Training credit redemption approval or denial
As an administrator, you can decide whether you want to automatically or manually approve courses that are redeemed by your team using the redemption code.

Manual approval redemption
If account owner approval is set to required for training credit redemption, the account owner will receive an email notification when a user attempts to submit the redemption code to purchase a course.
After receiving the email notification, the account owner can approve or deny the request. Select approve to approve the request.

3. Select confirm to continue the approval.

4. Once approved, the request will change to an approved status (under the approved filter), and training credits will be deducted from the overall balance.

5. Your team member will receive an email notification when the redemption request is approved.
Deny redemption
- To deny a redemption, select the pending redemption and select deny.

2. Confirm the denial.

3. Once denied, the request will change to a denied status (under the denied filter).

4. Your team member will be notified that their request was denied.

View training credit transactions history
- 1. To view transaction history, select transactions

2. A list of transactions will appear with the option to export to a spreadsheet

How to add or remove training credit account owners
Any additional account owners who are added can approve or deny training credit redemption requests, purchase additional credits, and remove other administrators from the training credit account (including the original account creator).
Each user can only own one training credit account per profile. They can't be account owner of multiple training credit accounts.
To add an account owner:
- 1. Insert email address of account owner who should be added to the training credit account and click add

2. The new account owner will be added
How to remove an account owner
To remove an account owner, select remove

Training Credit account owner FAQ
How many training credits do I have?
You can view the number of remaining training credits via your administrator’s profile:
Click on your profile picture on the top right
Click my profile
Click training credits
View the amount of credits currently owned

How do team members use the redemption code?
During the checkout process of any order, you can select training credits as the payment type. Once selected, the system will prompt you for the redemption code. Insert the correct redemption code and complete the checkout process to redeem your order.

How can I see what my team is trying to redeem with their training credits?
Training credit administrators are informed of users requesting training via UI and email.
From the UI, admins have a default view showing which requests are still pending approval (should the redemption code require manual approval). These requests can be selected for approval or decline.
Approve or decline redemptions by ticking the box beside the course and selecting the appropriate button. The system will automatically calculate the total amount of credits to be used.
End users are sent an email once the admin approves the redemptions. The email will be in the following format:
Hello ______, Your request to redeem __ training credits for ______ has been approved.
Historical request information can be accessed through the dropdown in the request panel. This allows admins to see previous requests that were approved or denied by admins, or cancelled by end users.
Administrators are also informed of end-user requests via email. An email will be sent to all the administrators linking them back to the portal to approve or decline the course.

Can I invalidate a redemption code and generate a new one?
Redemption codes can't be invalidated or regenerated by the user. If you are concerned your code may be compromised, we recommend that you use the 'manually approve' redemption option.
When do my training credits expire?
Training credits expire one year after they are purchased. The expiration date can be viewed in the admin screen:

What type of reports can I generate? Can I view the progress and completion status of the training in a dashboard?
This functionality is not currently available.
Can I send reminder emails when a person or team is not active?
This functionality is not currently available.
How can I get updates about new courses and certifications from Atlassian University?
We announce each new certification and course, including team training and free on-demand courses, on our website and in our monthly newsletter. Make sure you’re subscribed to the newsletter here. You can also check the new & refreshed course topic list for the latest releases. Press +follow to get notified in-platform about new and refreshed courses.

Can I get an extension on my training credits?
Training credit extension requests are determined on a case-by-case basis. Raise this request via support ticket here.

Now that you know how to redeem your training credits, find your next team training or certification.