Prepare for the Jira Software Essentials certification
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Learn the concepts and skills covered in the exam with on-demand courses and study with detailed prep resources. You can also lean on your peers for support by joining a community group.
Learn agile values, how they help teams drive success, and how to approach your everyday work with an agile mindset.
Review concepts and skills covered on the exam with a live instructor and get a free certification voucher.
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This live instructor-led full-day course will set up your whole team to understand how to use Jira with an agile methodology.
Sign up for free instructor-led training, powered by the knowledge of the Atlassian Community.
Need to skill up in agile project management? These courses teach you everything you need to know about agile practices in Jira Software to help your team be more efficient and effective.
Offered by Atlassian. This course discusses common foundational principles and practices used by agile methodologies, providing you with a flexible set of tools to use in your role.