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Certification FAQ
Find answers to some of Atlassian University’s most frequently asked Certification questions. Learn how to pay for and schedule your exam, maintain your certification, and what types of credentials Atlassian offers.
Atlassian Certified Professional - Certification Voucher
Here you can use training credits to purchase a certification voucher for an Atlassian Certified Professional (ACP) exam. Once the ACP certification voucher has been purchased, your exam voucher will be emailed to you within one business day. You can...
ACP-610 Managing Jira Projects for Data Center Certification
Get certified in Managing Jira Projects. ACP Certification in Managing Jira Projects for Data Center covers the skills needed to configure and automate Jira Software’s Scrum and Kanban templates.
Managing your work in Jira Software
Become familiar with issue types and common issue fields. Then, learn how to create a new issue, edit an issue’s details, and collaborate on issues with team members.
ACP-600 Project Administration in Jira Server Certification
Get certified as a Jira Project Administrator in Jira Server. Certified Jira Project Administrators are the power users who know how to configure projects and boards, customize workflows, and manage project permissions in their organization's Jira Server or Data Center...
Become an effective Confluence admin
Create an exceptional content experience by managing users, spaces, and templates.
ACP-100 Jira Administration for Data Center
Get certified as a Jira Administrator for Data Center and Server. ACP Certification in Jira Administration for Data Center and Server covers the skills needed to configure and manage Jira to support any development or business team.
Optimize your DevOps workflow
Learn the Atlassian approach to DevOps and how to apply tools like Jira Software, automation, and Bitbucket.
Training for Jira: The Marketplace app from Atlassian University
Bring Jira training to your entire organization. Add access to Atlassian University training videos—in Jira—by installing our Atlassian Marketplace app. “Training for Jira” provides self-paced courses to help your team learn essential features and concepts about Jira Software without ever...
Certification Success Panel
In this webinar, you'll learn from professionals who have studied for—and passed—an Atlassian Certification. Hear from Joanna Thurmann, Jimmy Seddon, and Hana Kučerová about how they did it and what it’s done for their career. This webinar is intended for all Jira Cloud, Data Center,...
This is Your Year to Earn an Atlassian Certification
Learn how to earn an Atlassian certification—straight from the experts who build the exams.
Setting up ITSM Projects in Jira Service Management
Get up and running with Jira Service Management fast. This training series enables you to get started quickly with the new ITSM project template.